Elemental HERO Divine Neos
Elemental HERO Divine Neos
  • Archetype:
  • Elemental HERO

  • ATK:
  • 2500

  • DEF:
  • 2500

  • View:
  • 5049

Must be Fusion Summoned using any 5 "Neos", "Neo Space", "Neo-Spacian", or "HERO" monsters, including at least 1 "Neos" or "Neo Space" monster, 1 "Neo-Spacian" monster, and 1 "HERO" monster, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. Once per turn: You can banish 1 "Neos", "Neo Space", "Neo-Spacian", or "HERO" monster from your Graveyard; this card gains 500 ATK, and until the End Phase it also gains the banished monster's effects.
